Udemy Course Description
What is the course about ?
This course is about the Codeigniter framework, more information about this framework is provided at the end of the document. Codeigniter framework for PHP is fabulous for rapid application development. Our team has researched and created this easy to understand course for you.
This is a free version of the course, this course includes basic concepts of Codeigniter.
What kind of materials are included ?
We have included project files with lectures if required.
How long will the course take to complete ?
This is a short course of about 2 hour
How is the course structured ?
This structure of course is researched and created by a team, it’s easy to understand. StudyEasy!
Why take this course ?
This is very easy to understand, out team has made every possible effort to make this course short and powerful. This is a free and short course hence this course with not waste your time or money!
—————————————- ABOUT FRAMEWORK —————————————-
Why CodeIgniter?
Framework with a small footprint
CodeIgniter 3 has a 2MB download, including the user guide.
Clear documentation
The CodeIgniter User Guide comes with the download. It contains an introduction, tutorial, a number of “how-to” guides, and then reference documentation for the components that make up the framework.
Compatibility with standard hosting
CodeIgniter 3 only needs PHP 5.2.4 and plays nicely with almost all shared or dedicated hosting platforms. Many webapps need a database, and CodeIgniter supports the most common, including MySQL.
No restrictive coding rules
Use your own coding and naming conventions, with only a few caveats that deal with classname conflicts. CodeIgniter looks to empower you, not shackle you.
Simple solutions over complexity
CodeIgniter encourages MVC, but does not force it on you.
Exceptional performance
CodeIgniter consistently outperforms most of its competitors.
No large-scale monolithic libraries
CodeIgniter is not trying to be all things to all people. It is a lean MVC framework, with enough capabilities to improve your productivity, while providing for third-party addons/plugins for additional functionality.
Nearly zero configuration
Much of the CodeIgniter configuration is done by convention, for instance, putting models in a “models” folder. There are still a number of configuration options available, through scripts in the “config” folder.
No need for template language
CodeIgniter comes with a simple, substitution based, templating tool. Addons/plugins are available for most of the full-blown templating engines if that is what you are used to.
Spend more time away from the computer
Don’t we all want it? CodeIgniter is easy to learn and to get proficient with.
#Codeigniter #Codeigniter3 #Rapid application development
#BCIT #Basics #Background #MVC #PHP #studyEasy #Easy Course
#Framework #Bootstarp #Performance #Websites
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