Build a Website in less than 2 Hours! (Step by Step), Quick and easy, step by step course, where you can learn how to build website in less than 2 hours with HTML and CSS. | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程
What are your first thoughts when you see some beautiful website on internet? Something like, they spent weeks or maybe months to create it? They spent bunch of money to pay some designers and developers to build it? Well answers on these questions could be yes in some cases, but in the most cases those websites are created in one day or even just a few hours. In this course we will show you how to create your own website, step by step, completely from the scratch in less than 2 hours!
We will use HTML to create skeleton for our website, and also we will use CSS to add some styles to our website (change colors, position of elements, change font size, font family etc.). Some previous knowledge about HTML and CSS would be beneficial, but it’s not mandatory for this course. Even if you don’t have any previous knowledge about HTML and CSS, and you need/want to create website, or if you just want to create general overview how to build website, this course is perfect for you! Please be aware of that in this course we have used our own materials (logo, images, text etc.) to create website just like we want, but you can feel free to use your own images, text etc. to create website for your own needs.
So, let’s dive into it!
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