Udemy限免:Excel公式数据操作第3/3部分 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程

Excel formulas & data operations Part 3/3
Excel公式数据操作第3/3部分,数据操作。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


Hi, my name is Bartosz and I’m the author of this course that can be found on udemy and on the Excel BI Academy .com platform.

You are invited to the Excel refreshing course on formulas & data operations. As the founder of Excel BI Academy .com I have spent many years in the traditional Excel reporting, using formulas and pivot tables (that I describe in the separate course). I want my Excel BI Academy students to be well prepared to discover Power Query, Power Pivot, Power BI and Excel dashboards. That is why I have collected my Excel knowledge into the courses.

In the 3rd part of the Formulas and data operations course you will discover the data operations, such as:

· Find & Replace,

· Pasting,

· FILTER, SORT, SORT BY, and UNIQUE functions (Excel 365).

This is the last part of the course after which you should be able to create your own formulas without any troubles. The next step in this journey is pivot tables to which I dedicated another online course. Combining formulas and pivot tables is a great starting point for getting and transforming the data in an automated way (Power Query), creating pivot tables with your own KPIs (Power Pivot) and building world-class dashboards either in Excel or in Power BI Desktop app. The next steps wait for you at my Excel BI Academy .com.

Your next steps can be taken at udemy with my course: Power Query, Power Pivot, Data Viz & Power BI – 4in1 POWER or at my platform Excel BI Academy.

Best regards

Bartosz Czapiewski

Excel BI Academy

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