Udemy限免:如何回答13个工作面试问题,包括30多个例子 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程

Udemy限免:如何回答13个工作面试问题,包括30多个例子 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程HOW TO ANSWER 13 JOB INTERVIEW QUESTIONS, with 30+ EXAMPLES
如何回答13个职位面试问题,包含30多个例子,一种精致、经过验证、系统化的方法,将更快地为您提供更多工作机会。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


Why do you need this course?

Know what to expect and reduce stress and anxiety – Many of the fear surrounding interviews is based on not knowing what to expect. You’ll feel a lot more confident – and have better performance – if you know you’re well prepared.

Feel ready to answer any job interview question – Nervous candidates talk too quickly, rush themselves, ramble, and give long-winded answers. Confident candidates know what to say and maintain a slow, calm pace when addressing the interviewer.

Get a higher salary to finance your projects – Here’s a good reason for negotiating your salary: If you get a Udemy原价: $100k salary and your co-worker negotiates up to Udemy原价: $107k, you’d have to work eight years longer to be as wealthy as them at retirement.

Land your dream job and live a fulfilling life – Work consumes at least one-third of your life and half your waking hours. It can and ought to be more than a means to an end!

How will this course help you?

This course will help answer the 13 most common job interview questions effectively and confidently. You will prepare and practice your answers in three steps:

1. UNDERSTANDING THE QUESTION: Learn the interviewer’s purpose behind each question and what they expect to hear as an answer

2. PICKING EXAMPLES: Learn how to pick the best examples for your answer from your professional or academic experience

3. CREATING YOUR ANSWER: Learn the steps to create a solid, complete answer and explore 30+ examples of good and bad answers

How is this course different?

  • Lectures are straight to the point – minimal effort, maximum results
  • Instructors with almost twenty years of experience
  • Support in under 24 hours
  • Impeccable sound and video quality
  • Learn by doing

Let’s begin!

Thank you,

Sophie Müller & Anja Weber from PREPSTUDIO 🙂

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