Udemy限免:成为最好的自己通过6个步骤改变你的生活 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程

Free Udemy Course Becoming Your Best Self – Transform Your Life In 6 steps
成为最好的自己-改变你的生活通过6个步骤,学习自我整合模型。了解如何改善自己的人际关系。通过6步治疗改变您的生活。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


In this course, you will learn that you have the power to move yourself from angst, unhappiness, and negativity to freedom, happiness, and positivity.

The Self-Integration Model (SIM) is a new and unique model that is user-friendly. It will help you, when you are distressed, to lower and understand your reactivity.

Through examples and practical exercises, this course will offer many opportunities to better understand yourself and others, and why you react in certain ways.

Following the format of the 6-step healing will improve your own mental health and your relationships.

By the end of this course you will have valuable skills and knowledge to have a better understanding of:

  1. Yourself and others
  2. Why you react and behave in certain ways
  3. How to de-activate yourself when dysregulated

You will have a set of tools that you can use when you are in negative emotion.

You will also have access to Donna regarding your homework exercises or if you need clarification about the material.

Please note: The purpose of the homework assignments is for you to do them privately to enhance your understanding of the course. You do not need to complete the assignments on Udemy in order to progress through the course.


People who have taken Donna’s previous courses and workshops on “Becoming Your Best Self” have rated her workshops as informative, exciting, well prepared and life changing.

  • 96% of attendees rated that the course was extremely informative to very informative.
  • 100% of attendees rated that Donna was extremely to very well prepared
  • 96% of attendees rated that Donna’s presenting style held their interest extremely to very much
  • 98% of attendees rated the overall course as excellent to very good

Comments from participants:

  • “I thoroughly enjoyed it and I am sad it is over.”
  • “I wish it was longer.”
  • “Thanks. I loved it!”
  • “Wonderful workshop.”
  • “Great insight to my previously undefined emotional reactions.”
  • “Workshop tools enable personal growth and understanding.”
  • “We can still love our parents, even though they unintentionally may have screwed us up.”

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