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Free Udemy Course Learn Laplace Transform – from Basics
学习拉普拉斯变换-从基础知识、拉普拉斯变换、拉普拉斯变换的属性。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


Laplace Transform is Mathematical operator , which is used to convert time domain functions into frequency domain,

Region Of Convergence ( ROC ) gives the limits of frequency domain representation.

This course deals with basic Laplace transform function, Laplace transform of basic signals, linearity, shifting, scaling, differentiation, convolution, Initial and final value theorems.

This course deals with how to find Laplace transform of different types of signals.

It is used to solve various types of differential equations, difference equations, integral equations etc., which arise naturally in engineering and basic sciences.

Laplace transform techniques are therefore very useful for applications in science and technology.

These may then be solved and the results inverse transformed back into the time domain.

-Basic Definition of Laplace Transform and its Existence.

-Laplace Transform of a Constant Function.

-Laplace Transform of a Exponential Function.

-Laplace Transform of a Sine and cosine Function.

-Laplace Transform by First Translation Theorem.

-Unit Step Function.

-Laplace Transform by Second Translation Theorem.

-Derivatives of Transforms.

-Convolution Theorem

-Application of Laplace Transform.

Laplace transform is used to convert any type of time domain signals into frequency domain .

Laplace transform is used to avoid the limitations of Fourier analysis.

Laplace transformation techniques made rigorous earlier ad hoc operator methods, in which the differential with respect to time is replaced by an operator D, with 1/D being integration. The operator D is then treated as if it is an algebraic quantity.

The transformed equations are easier to solve, and then the solution in the Laplace domain is transformed back to the time domain, usually by consulting a table of inverse Laplace transforms

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