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Free Udemy Course Kanban : A concise Introduction
看板:简洁的介绍,看板介绍可以可视化您的工作流程并使您的团队更高效。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


“Scrum Open, Professional Scrum™, Professional Scrum Master™, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum . org. Our course and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum . org.”

Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!

The unique reasons for taking this course are:

  1. Concise Overview of Kanban – I cover the intro to the theory you can use in industry.
  2. Understand Kanban – In a very simple way, I introduce you to the foundation of Kanban without going into a class room..
  3. You will have a foundation to making your teams more efficient!

Includes Narration from Christian Carvajal

What is Kanban?

Kanban is a method for just in time delivery of tasks (such as products services, support and maintenance) without overloading our workforce . Based on my experience, it is the most popular way to meet just in time delivery for a lean businesses while increasing efficiency.

Who should take is course?

Whether you are a product owner, business owner, support/maintenance/dev ops/sales team member, business stakeholder or simply someone who wants the answer to the question “what is a kanban”, this is definitely the class is for you.

What will I learn?

In this class you will learn:

  • Concise overview of Kanban – Including Origin, How to use The Kanban Board, Workflow
  • The correct terminology and use of Kanban
  • Support/Dev Ops/Product Owners / AgileTeam Members – I give you a brief overview of kanban as used in the business work place

The course is video based with no supporting document necessary.

How is the course structured?

Each section features an overview of a particular aspect of kanban. All is based real world experience.

Inspired by God, the Bible, my mother and father, David J. anderson.

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