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Free Udemy Course Software Engineering
软件工程、软件开发生命周期模型。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


Software engineering is an engineering branch associated with the development of software products using well-defined scientific principles, methods, and procedures. The outcome of software engineering is an efficient and reliable software product. SDLC is the basic concept of software engineering. The life cycle defines a methodology for improving the quality of software and the overall development process.

Software development Life cycle models i.e (SDLC) is a process used by the industry to design develop and test high-quality software. SDLC consists of a detailed plan describing how to develop, maintain, replace and alter or enhance specific software. SDLC is a framework defining tasks performed at each step in the software development process. There are different process models involved in SDLC. Each process model follows a series of phases unique to its type to ensure success in the step of software development. Every phase of the SDLC life Cycle has its own process and deliverables that feed into the next phase. Basically, SDLC is used to develop the system that should be completed within the predefined time and the given cost.SDLC is also referred to as Application Development life-cycle

In this course, you will learn what is SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)? Why SDLC?SDLC Phases. And Popular SDLC models

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