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Free Udemy Course DevOps Deployment Techniques with Docker, Kubernetes & AWS
使用Docker、Kubernetes AWS的DevOps部署技术、Master Web应用程序部署、持续集成以及与Docker、AWS、Jenkins等的Kubernetes编排。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


This course offers a comprehensive dive into advanced DevOps deployment techniques, focusing on three critical projects that encompass the full spectrum of modern web application deployment, continuous integration, and Kubernetes orchestration.

The first project covers the optimized deployment of a web application using Docker, AWS, Nginx, and Docker Hub, enabling students to understand the intricacies of containerization, cloud hosting, and traffic management with reverse proxy setups. The second project delves into building a robust Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline with Jenkins, SonarQube, Git, GitHub, and Docker, emphasizing automated testing, code analysis, security checks, and seamless integration to improve software quality and delivery speed. The final project guides learners through deploying applications on a Kubernetes cluster using Amazon EKS, AWS, and Docker, showcasing the powerful capabilities of Kubernetes in managing, scaling, and maintaining containerized applications in a production environment.

By the end of this course, students will have hands-on experience with the tools and practices that are essential for efficient, scalable, and secure software delivery in the cloud. This course is designed for developers, system administrators, and DevOps engineers looking to deepen their expertise in modern deployment and orchestration strategies, equipping them with the practical skills and knowledge needed to excel in today’s fast-paced, cloud-native world.

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