Udemy限免:从头开始构建Google Meet克隆:WebTTC ocket io | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程

Free Udemy Course Build a Google Meet Clone from Scratch: WebRTC & Socket io
从头开始构建Google Meet克隆:WebTTC ocket io,学习webrtc,并使用WebTTC,socket io JavaScript从头开始构建类似google meet的网站。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


Hi and welcome to the course “Build a Google Meet clone from scratch: WebRTC, Socket io & Javascript””.

webrtc and socket io is combination of powerfull technology where you will able to transfer data in real time with low latency. And thats why its been considering the best technology to build video conferencing app. So If you are webrtc enthusiastic, want to build webconferencing website also want to learn socket io where you are going to build group conferencing webapp in real time, low latency data transfer then you are in the right place.

In this course we are going to learn how to create a landing page where users will able to host a new meeting or will be able join in a existing meeting by using meeting code. Then in the webconferencing page step by step we will create audio and video streaming for perticular meeting with related functinality. Where user not only can interect with audio video but also user will able to chat in a room. User will able share files and photo. There user can see total number user participant with details. Along with camera input we will also create system to share screen in a meeting. And also we will create recording system where user will able to record full meeting with audio. Not last but least we will create bunch of functionality to make the website more functional.

So what you say? ready to dive in? Sign up today and get imediate access to the high quality video, downloadable complete project source code with one on one expert support. All backed by a 30 days 100% gaurenty. Got a lot to cover. So lets dive in.

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