Udemy限免:前5个主题:解决方案安全(Sol Sec) | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程

Free Udemy Course Top 5 Topics: Solution Security (Sol Sec)
前5个主题:解决方案安全性(Sol Sec),强调解决方案安全性的重要性以及首先将精力集中在哪里。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


The Top 5 Topics: Solution Security (Sol Sec) takes you from little or no knowledge and helps set you on the right path for a future career within the field of Solution Security.  You will learn some of the top considerations needed for helping developers and engineers create more safely and securely.  The amount of cyber security information and detail on the internet is simply overwhelming, this short course is your guide covering the core areas seen time and again that are in demand within the industry.

Solution Security is a fast-growing area, specialists are needed today, with a skills shortage, you will be in high demand and focusing on the areas covered here will enable your career.  If you are a beginner have no experience or curious about cyber security in general, this course is for you as it will give you the key areas to research and learn more about.

Some of the key areas this will help you with:

  • Become more informed about Solution Security
  • Help you decide which direction to take
  • Increased knowledge about the needed skills to focus on within cyber security and Artificial Intelligence
  • Help you to prepare for the next opportunity

This short course is free, to help get you started, and at the end you will be better informed and more certain of your options and future!

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