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Free Udemy Course Common Web Vulnerabilities and How to exploit them
常见Web漏洞以及如何利用它们,了解Web应用程序技术,建立您自己的黑客实验室并利用常见Web应用程序漏洞。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


Companies are relying on web applications to promote their business and services. These web applications are often very complex and yield a high attack service.  Often these web applications are accessible from the internet. Additionally, these web applications are handling sensitive data, which will seriously harm a company’s reputation if leaked. Even though given these facts, many web applications are still poorly secured. It was never easier for attackers to hack confidential company data and seriously harm a business.

Therefore there is a high need for cyber security professionals that protect these web applications from malicious attackers. To be proficient in web application security, a student needs to know the fundamentals of the web, before diving into web application vulnerabilities. Also, a student needs to practice their skills in a dedicated lab.

This course goes over common web application vulnerabilities and how to exploit them. In this course you will learn about:

  • Web Application Penetration Testing
  • Web Application Technologies
  • Building a dedicated web application penetration testing lab
  • Common web vulnerabilities, why they occur, how to exploit them, and how to remediate them
  • Exploiting vulnerabilities with Kali Linux and Burp Suite
  • What to learn next

This course is suited for beginners in cyber security who want to make their first learning steps toward web application security.

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