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Free Udemy Course How to write effective business emails
如何撰写有效的商务电子邮件,了解商务电子邮件撰写的细节并对您的电子邮件沟通充满信心。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


This course is aimed at imparting all business email writing related skills, right from understanding etiquettes of using emails as a mode of communication to formatting properly to make a good presentation. I have provided the structure of business emails, so that a novice also can understand how to write business emails. This course included style and tone of formal and semi formal business emails, methods of effective subject line writing, use of proper salutation and sign-off. It will go further deep into discussing different opening statements, body paragraphs and other important expressions apt for different business situations. In other words, this course will try to deal with all those points which are crucial for a business email writing.

This course is for all professionals who need to write emails as a part of their job. So from C -level executives to interns everyone will find it helpful. Even job seekers will also be benefited as they also need to use emails for applying for jobs or communicating with prospective employers. Although this course is not aimed for email marketers, as no marketing methods discussed here, still a learner of email marketing will find it helpful to understand structure, important expressions and style and tone of a business email.

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