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Free Udemy Course Understanding Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
了解工作场所的情商,通过了解如何管理自己、调节自己的情绪和有效发展来实现职业成功 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


What emotions are you experiencing right now? Could they be affecting your performance or reputation? Or having a negative impact on your colleagues? Can you recognise how others are feeling? Do you know how and when to adapt your behaviour or control your feelings?

There is much evidence saying that Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a key factor in workplace and relationship success. It is more important than IQ when progressing your career – so understanding what it is and knowing how to develop it is critical if you want to get ahead.

This introductory course begins by explaining what EQ is and the claims that have been made in the research psychologists have done, so that we can understand the impact our personal EQ can have. Then we’ll move on to look at a framework of four areas that we need to examine so that you can begin to assess your strengths and where you might want to improve. They are:

· Self awareness

· Social awareness

· Self management

· Relationship management

For each one, we will unpick the factors involved and do an exercise in your workbook to give you time to reflect and evaluate your current behaviour. By now, you will have some understanding of the competences you have and those you want to develop. To help you get a clearer picture, the next step is an EQ questionnaire. You’ll answer 25 questions, then score yourself. You will be able to see where you are strongest, also how you compare to the average scores of leaders that have done the same assessment.

By this point, you should be able to see where you need to improve – but how will you do it? We’ll discuss a range of ideas for each section. You can choose the ones that will work for you.

Lastly, we’ll look at where your emotions come from, so that you can learn to control the unhelpful ones at source, and the importance of learning to identify them correctly. This course will take you about two and a half hours to complete and includes a 20 page workbook, so that you can refresh your memory at any time. There’s a quiz at the back of the workbook so you can test yourself on your learning.

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