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Free Udemy Course Film Learning Experience SMAS
电影学习体验SMAS,如何创建一个支持我的健康并代表真实的我的在线形象? | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


The Social Media Awareness Shorts course brought to you as part of the Film Learning Experience at the Institute of Women and Ethnic Studies (IWES) aims to offer adolescents an opportunity to explore their own online footprint, and understand how content online might imprint on them, in turn. The essential question for this course asks: How do I create an online presence that supports my health and represents the real me? After participating in this course, participants will be able to: (1) Describe how one’s ‘curated’ self may or may not represent one’s real self; (2) Navigate the online landscape safely; and (3) Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of devoting different parts of themselves online. Together, these learning objectives aim to contribute to overall health and wellness among youth.

IWES supports youth in navigating their adolescence, exploring their self-identity and forming healthy peer relationships. Across programs, IWES creates safe spaces for youth to learn medically accurate information about their bodies and deepen their understanding of the relationship between their thoughts, feelings, decision-making, and actions. Through the development of social, emotional, and cognitive competencies, youth build healthy self-esteem, confidence, and resilience.

The team of health educators within the Adolescent Health Department at IWES would like to credit Common Sense Media with both the excellent content and permission to teach using their video products.

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