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Free Udemy Course Fabric v2.5 Performance Optimisation with Caliper & Tape
Fiber v2.5使用卷尺进行性能优化、优化、基准、成功:使用卷尺和卷尺提升您的Hyperledger Fiber性能。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


Module 1: Introduction to Hyperledger Fabric v2.5 and Performance Optimization

  • 1. Course Introduction
  • 2. Agenda
  • 3. Course objectives

Module 2: Fabric Network Creation and Configuration

  • Overview of Hyperledger Fabric v2.5
  • Importance of performance optimization in blockchain networks
  • Installing prerequisites
  • Network Topology
  • 3 org Network
  • 2 org Network
  • Network topology design & Setting up a Hyperledger Fabric v2.5 network
  • Deploying and invoking chaincodesInvoking Transaction

Module 3: Caliper Configuration and Integration

  • Introduction to Hyperledger Caliper
  • Purpose and features of Caliper
  • Caliper architecture overview
  • Installing and setting up Caliper
  • Configuring Caliper for Fabric v2.5
  • Creating benchmark configuration files
  • Integrating Caliper with your Fabric network
  • Running performance tests with Caliper
  • Analyzing and interpreting Caliper results

Module 4: Tape Configuration and Integration

  • Introduction to Tape
  • Purpose and features of Tape
  • Installing and setting up Tape
  • Creating configuration files
  • Integrating Tape with your Fabric network
  • Setting up benchmark scenarios and Conducting performance benchmarks with Tape
  • Analyzing and interpreting Tape results

Module 5: Performance Optimization Techniques

  • Analyzing benchmark results from Caliper and Tape
  • Identifying performance bottlenecks & Optimization strategies
  • Network-level optimizations
  • Block size optimization techniques
  • Infrastructure and hardware considerations
  • A step-by-step approach to reaching high TPS like 1000 for Invoke

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, You will be able to:

  • 1. Set up and configure a Hyperledger Fabric v2.5 network optimized for high performance.
  • 2. Understand the key factors affecting blockchain network performance.
  • 3. Install, configure, and use Hyperledger Caliper & Tape for performance benchmarking.
  • 4. Analyze and interpret performance metrics from both Caliper and Tape.
  • 5. Identify common performance bottlenecks in Fabric networks.
  • 6. Apply various optimization techniques to improve network performance.
  • 7. Achieve and validate transaction speeds of up to 1000 TPS in a Fabric network.8. Compare and contrast different performance testing tools and methodologies.
  • 9. Develop strategies for continuous performance monitoring and optimization in production environments.

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