Udemy限免:从使用Spring Boot和Mockito的JUnit测试开始 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程

Free Udemy Course Begin with Junit testing with Spring boot and Mockito
首先使用Spring引导和Mockito进行JUnit测试,使用Spring引导和微服务进行JUnit测试。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


JUnit is a unit testing framework for Java programming language. JUnit has been important in the development of test-driven development, and is one of a family of unit testing frameworks collectively known as xUnit, that originated with JUnit.

This tutorial explains the use of JUnit in your project unit testing, while working with Java. After completing this tutorial you will gain sufficient knowledge in using JUnit testing framework from where you can take yourself to next levels.

Most of the successful projects are running based on successful junit test cases. Do you want to write Junit test cases for your project then this is the right place to learn about junit testing with spring boot and mockito. In this course you will be familiar about Junit test cases and Mockito, you can also write controller based unit tests and service based unit test and many more live examples.

Students will learn to write  JUNIT test cases very effectively.

Students will learn to Write INDEPENDENT JUnit Tests for RESTFUL web services talking with MULTIPLE LAYERS – web controller, business and data.

Students will learn and explore to use the most important Unit Testing ANNOTATIONS –

Test, SpringBootTest, WebMvcTest, DataJpaTest and MockBean, InjectMocks, Mock

Students will learn to write unit tests using MOCKS and SPYS created with MOCKITO.

Students will learn to write unit test with H2 database with JPA  and will explore about integration.

Students will be explore to work with Eclipse IDE, Spring boot framework, Mockito framework and maven technologies.

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