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Free Udemy Course People Management In Real Time, 2024
实时人员管理,2024年,实用指南。人员管理的真正运作方式,包括授权、指导、困难、尊重的对话。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


People Management is often seen as a perplexing skill.

This might be because the secret to successful People Management is that you really don’t manage people, their output, or their work. The best you can hope to do is manage the relationships you have developed with the people around you. This, more than anything else, determines the team’s productivity, morale and success, along with yours.

People Management, when it’s done well, is a noble profession and a thing a beauty to watch. This is true whether you’re managing a small project team at work, a Community Theater production or an entire remote Business Unit.

This course is drawn from my 25 years of experience managing people and teams in the Silicon Valley and delivering hundreds of workshops and coaching managers around the world.

Completing this course will help you to build essential skills for working effectively with people. This type of leadership is an essential skill at home, at work, and in every stage of your career.

“People Management In Real Time, 2024” covers the core skills of people management. This includes Delegating, Coaching, and communicating the Difficult message and having Respectful Conversations while doing it with purpose, curiosity and authenticity,

The Course Includes:

· Mastering Core Management and People Skills

· Knowing under what circumstances you should delegate certain work.

· Understanding why you resist delegating work to others and what to do about it.

· Using Accelerate’s Delegation Matrix to coach and develop others.

· Identifying which commonly used reason you use to avoid a Difficult Conversation.

· Easily master having a Difficult Conversation.

· Knowing which common mistakes will instantly crush your credibility as a listener.

· Exercises that will improve your listening skills in five days.

· And lots more bits of insight and learning!

By becoming great at People Management, not only will you pave the way for future advancement, you’ll also have better work/life balance, and a much happier workplace.

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