Udemy限免:Premiere Plus:学习Adobe Premiere Pro的30天挑战 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程

Free Udemy Course Premiere Plus: 30 days challenge to learn Adobe Premiere Pro
Premiere Plus:30天挑战学习Adobe Premiere Pro,完成本课程后您将成为一名专业的视频编辑。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


This course is a full plan to learn video editing using Adobe premiere pro in 30 days. As you will start as a beginner with no knowledge in editing until you reach a level where you are able to produce videos and edit them to look professional.

The course is divided to 4 weeks.

In the first week you will learn the basics of the premiere pro. How to use it and all the basics that you need in the editing process like cutting and splitting clips and merging them and a lot more.

In the second week you will learn to animate elements in the software like images videos and texts. You will also learn to create multiple effects and add them to your clips.

In the third week you will learn to color correct your videos to look attractive and to edit the lighting and to change the colors of any object. you will also learn to remove and replace the green screen with any background you want and add effects using the chroma.

In the fourth week you will learn to add multiple plugins to the software which contains a big collection of effects animations and a lot more to make things easier for you and make you more productive.

You will also learn to create full commercial ads projects from scratch so that you can apply all what you have learned in the course.

And finally you will learn to design clips for social media in a special and professional way.

By the end of the course you will become a video editor capable to access the job market and create your own professional projects.

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