Udemy限免:数据工程师技术面试2024年获得高薪工作 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程

Free Udemy Course Data Engineer Technical Interview – Get a well paid job 2024
数据工程师技术面试-2024年获得一份高薪工作,了解如何准备数据工程师技术面试并获得最好的薪水。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


For more content search in Google the webpage:  wetrustindata

There is too much information out there that one gets really paralyzed trying to know how to get the most in the least amount of time. That includes asking for the best salary too.

This course is intended for those ones who want to get quickly a data engineer job in the market and check the 80-90% of the theory questions that will be asked in the live interview. After my experience of more than 20 data engineering interviews done in 2024 and 5 final offers received, I will help you by showing the most frequent questions and the way they are asked, so you don’t have to spend big amount of time going through this painful process and unnecessary stress.

The course is going straight to the point with the list of questions most frequently asked and supported by some lectures that CHATGPT cannot easily explain . There are some tips to boost your CV as well as the most common basic coding tests that you can practice to not get blocked on the live interview.

The topics/technologies that will be reviewed:

Make a readable CV

Data Warehousing, Data Lake and Data Modelling






Data Integration tools in the Azure Cloud with Azure Data Factory (ADF)

CI/CD project development


Testing scenarios

FINAL SECRET : The trick to get the best salary offer (worked 5/5 times) and that will boost your salary in a 10%. Never fails.

Be confident , that after reviewing and mastering all these questions and lectures in about ~1h

you will land a very good remote data engineering job or at least be paid like you deserve.

You may fail once but not twice!

Check the webpage in Google for the written version of the course if it is more easy for you . Don’t forget to rate the course if you liked it.


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