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Free Udemy Course The Countdown Time Management Strategy
倒计时时间管理策略,这门课程将帮助您减少拖延、更好地管理时间并成为最有成效的自己。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


The Countdown strategy is an extremely easy way of approaching time management and organizing your time using a countdown app and the timer app on your phone. This course is greatly beneficial in making sure that you procrastinate less, you manage your time better and you’re the most productive version of yourself. This strategy allows you to keep track of your time in such an easy way that after a while you really forget that you’re doing anything at all because as you implement this strategy in your life and you follow it, it really becomes second nature. To implement this strategy, you’re going to need a mobile phone or a tablet although it may be less efficient to use a tablet because you can’t keep a tablet in your pocket and check it as you please. Studies show countdown timers create a sense of urgency and motivate people to complete a task before the time runs out. With this being true, if you take this course you’re not only going to be taught a proven strategy to help you procrastinate less, but you’re also going to be taught how to organize your time helping you reach your peak productivity.

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