Udemy限免:古典希腊语动词多词表达:PARSEME-GRC | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程

Free Udemy Course Classical Greek Verbal Multi-Word Expressions: PARSEME-GRC
古典希腊口头多词表达:PARSEME-GRC、PARSEME 1.3注释努力、古典文学阁楼(史学、演讲、散文)、口头多词表达。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


The course introduces the audience to the PARSEME 1.3 annotation effort for classical Greek. The annotation effort is interested in verbal multi-word expressions such as to spill the beans, to make a suggestion, and to make do in a large range of languages, primarily spoken languages currently. Verbal multi-word expressions are currently underrepresented in standard dictionaries and grammar books of classical Greek. The course showcases what being an annotator in the initiative looks like, what difficulties exist, and how we overcome them, and what we can do with the annotated data on the research side subsequently. All the links to guidelines and all texts to be worked on are supplied in the course resources. Recommendations for external resources to use are provided. The course is intended not only for those interested to join the initiative but also for those interested in Greek linguistics and specifically verbal multi-word expressions especially coming to this from a natural language processing background. The course is a hands-on tutorial for the corpus annotation rather than a linguistic review of verbal multi-word expressions and requires takers to have a good level of knowledge in classical Greek (ideally Attic dialect), we recommend A-level equivalent or above.


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