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Free Udemy Course Quick Guide to AppSec and the OWASP Top 10 2021
AppSec和2021年OWASP十大快速指南、OWASP十大和应用程序安全快速指南。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


Every company uses software to function. Whether they are a Fortune 500 technology company or a sole proprietor landscaping company, software is integral to businesses large and small. Software provides a means to track employees, customers, inventory, and scheduling. Data moves from a myriad of systems, networks, and software providing insights to businesses looking to stay competitive. Some of that software used is built within the organization or it is purchased and integrated. What this means is that every organization, regardless of size and industry, has a software need. It enables organizations to move quickly and stay ahead of their competition.

This is where organizations need your help to secure their applications!

In this quick guide to application security and the OWASP Top Ten we will cover what is in the Top Ten. We’ll cover what makes them vulnerabilities and how to protect your application from attacks using these vulnerabilities. Well talk about cryptographic failures, insecure configuration, how to maintain software integrity, what injection attacks are and more!You’ll learn about the terms and security goals that are used in an organization. You’ll learn about some of the basic ways that application security can be brought into the development lifecycle both from a traditional pipeline and from a DevSecOps perspective. I hope you enjoy this brief but key course on AppSec.

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