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Free Udemy Course Learn How to Recycle Right
了解如何正确回收,摆脱回收的混乱。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


Hello! You want to recycle, right? Well, I’m here to help you navigate the confusion that surrounds recycling and teach you to recycle right. You may have questions like, why is the recycling symbol on this if I can’t recycle it? Or simply, is this recyclable? What do I do with batteries and lightbulbs? etc. In this course you will learn the history of trash in America and why it is so opaque. You will learn how recycling works, what plastic resins are recyclable, why we need clean streams of recycling, and why we should care about recycling. You will learn about wishcycling, and how to avoid it, what is recyclable, and ultimately answer the question: is recycling worth it. Then you can share all of this important knowledge with your friends and family!

I started this recycling training for the food service industry and soon realized that this information would be very helpful to the public at large. I received my AS in Recycling and Resource Management and interned with the U.S. Plastics Pact, a non-profit committed to assisting large brands to reduce their plastic footprint. I have been trained as a TRUE Zero Waste Advisor, and recently started my own non-profit, Recycle Right. I hope you enjoy this course!

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