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Free Udemy Course Python for Busy People – Python Intro in 2 Hours
适合忙碌的人的Python-2小时内介绍Python,体验Python的力量:在短短两小时内学习Python基础知识并开启您的编程生涯。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


Are you ready to gain the skills you need to succeed in today’s data-driven world? This introductory Python course is the perfect place to start your journey. You’ll learn the fundamental skills and knowledge you need to explore more advanced concepts and applications of Python. Python’s versatility and power make it increasingly essential in today’s job market, and this course will give you the confidence to dive deeper into the world of Python programming.

We’ll cover the basics of Python programming, including variables, functions, object types and control flow. Afterwards we’ll introduce two essential libraries for data analysis: pandas and numpy. With hands-on practice, quizes and exercises at the end of the course, you’ll pratice the skills covered and be ready to jump to new heights using the Python programming language.

In this course we’ll approach:

  • Using Python as a calculator;
  • Python Strings, Integers, Floats and Booleans;
  • Python Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples and Sets;
  • Python Control Flow (If, For, While);
  • Python Functions;
  • Numpy and Pandas;

Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your current skills, this course is the perfect way to jumpstart your journey. Don’t wait – sign up now and take the first step towards unlocking the endless possibilities of Python programming.

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