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Free Udemy Course 3 Step Framework for Transformation
转型的3步框架、转型的内容和原因以及三个步骤:健康检查、敏捷实施和实时转型。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


This course on 3 Steps Framework for Transformation is designed to help the viewers to understand the basic, proven, simple yet profound steps of transformation. The steps are equally applicable for personal transformation as well. Once you go through the course it will provide the important steps one need to follow while taking up the transformation initiative. These steps are equally applicable for any change management as well. Course is designed to help viewers to understand the proven steps one should follow to get the excellent results of their transformation and change initiative. The concept is designed, developed based on personal experience over a period of 34 + years. This also acts as quick summary of my book Local to Global, 3 step framework for business transformation.

According to the Project Management Institute study, more than 70% of transformation projects fail, only about 30% succeed. As we go up the Leadership Ladder, a successful leader is one who has transformed things with marked changes …..but sadly research shows few leaders only 30% of leaders are only successful in transforming things….. Where do you want to be 70% or 30%?

All transformational leaders have traversed through these three steps. In this short course, we will understand each of these steps a little more in detail and How you can to be a part of the elite 30% successful transformation leader.

If you plan to acquire more in depth knowledge on this topic you can buy the book by writing an email to [email protected]  to get the author signed personal copy within 4-5 workdays or download kindle version or buy the book through Amazon. You could also write to [email protected] for further personal or group assistance relating to your transformation initiative. Author also have provided example from his personal life how he has achieved results following the steps defined in the course.

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