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Free Udemy Course Be Proficient in English with Binus University Grade XII
精通比努斯大学第十二年级英语,进行描述,阅读,写适当的标题和语法,表达你的想法,陈述义务。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


This is an English course designed for Indonesian grade 12 students learning English. Videos in this MOOC explore topics to strengthen students’ proficiencies in Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. Topics covered in the video include writing caption, describing a place, reading comprehension strategies, writing an argumentative writing, and many more.

In general, students are expected to learn how to use proper English expressions in four language skills, i.e., speaking, writing, reading, and listening. In a more specific context, students are also introduced to the skills in modifying texts and verbal expressions put in real life contexts. For example, students are introduced to write captions in English and perform dialogs as tourists in a foreign country where English must be used to achieve specific objectives. To get a better understanding of writing genres in English language, students are also introduced to the writing of nonfiction genre. One of which introduced is the factual or scientific methods of writing a report, which are preceded by the introduction of close reading techniques and differentiating between facts from opinions.

In order to produce and perform such tasks and dialogs, the accuracy of students’ language usage is sharpened through the discussion of important English grammar like the review of passive voice and if clause usage in sentences.


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