Udemy限免:成功实施微服务API的蓝图 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程

Free Udemy Course Blueprint For Successful Microservices & API Implementation
成功微服务API实施蓝图,使用Kubernetes、Helm、GitLab、DevOps、GitOps、Kong API Gateway、Keycloak、Swagger UI、ArgoCD进行声明性配置。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


Handling hundreds of microservices during different phases of the software lifecycle and across various environments is always challenging.

In recent years, organizations have been migrating to or creating new projects using microservices architecture.

However, adopting a microservices architecture introduces new challenges, particularly related to configuration and deployment.

This course will cover best practices using DevOps with GitOps with 100% declarative configuration. You will learn two key concepts for rapid, reliable, and consistent deployment:

  1. How to leverage the power of APIs and Kubernetes for integration without restarting your application.
  2. How to integrate different components without relying on the user interface.

Although this course uses Spring Boot microservices for illustration purposes, the same concepts can be applied in any other programming language.

The course will integrate the following components using DevOps, GitOps, and 100% declarative configuration:

  1. ArgoCD integration
  2. Keycloak Identity Provider integration with Kong API Gateway using Kong OIDC Plugin
  3. Kong API Gateway
  4. Swagger UI integration for API documentation

By the end of this course, you will be equipped to apply these concepts to your ongoing microservices and API projects, as well as any future projects.

If you are part of a startup, or working as a solution architect or DevOps lead, you will be confidently prepared to encourage your IT teams to adopt declarative configuration for seamless, rapid, and reliable integration.

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