Udemy限免:印度电力部门改革 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程

Free Udemy Course Power sector reforms in India
印度电力部门改革,简介。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


Power sector is one of the most capital intensive system and integrally connected with the macroeconomy of any country

India since 1991 aggressively pursued liberalization,privatisation and globalization policies .

Similar policy changes were seen in the electricity sector too.

This course introduces the changes in the electricity sector in India and is an easy to understand course for beginners

Course is designed for Indians as well as non Indians keen to understand the policy changes in the electricity sector also to have an holistic understanding of why such policy changes happen .What distinguishes this course from other courses or from reports available from internet is its unique approach of presenting this issue of power sector reforms in India.

Course begins with context setting of the so called reforms of power sector in India .Electricity Act 2003 is explained and how the act would impact the power sector and different stakeholders is clearly brought forth.

Un bundling of vertically integrated  power companies into three companies to perform generation ,transmission and distribution of power is explained clearly bringing forth the reasons of such a reform of un bundling.

Establishment of regulatory commissions to take up the role of government in regulating and deciding tariffs is explained in quite a detail.

Greening of power sector via Renewable Portfolio obligations is explained

Issue of open access especially the reason why this has been introduced is explained

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