Udemy限免:为初学者提供的免费印地语课程通过听力学习 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程

Free Udemy Course Free Hindi Course For Beginners – Learn Through Listening
为初学者提供的免费印地语课程-通过听力学习,免费学习所有Baisc印地语。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程


Hello Learners,

This course is part of the 5600 Sentences Long Full Hindi Course

The purpose of this course behind making it free, is to help total beginners and to get your valuable feedback.

As a language learner myself, I’ve come to understand that achieving fluency in any language requires making listening an essential part of the learning process.

This is consistently emphasized by language experts: listen, listen, and immerse yourself in the language.

It takes time to absorb the tone, rhythm, style, and structure.

Unfortunately, there hasn’t been enough accessible content for learning Hindi, especially for beginners. While advanced learners can benefit from watching movies, listening to Hindi songs, or following Hindi serials, these options can be overwhelming for those just starting out.

Topics are –

1. Talk about yourself

2. Talk about your brother, sister, family, and parents

3. Talk about your wife

4. Food, Netflix and TV

5. Sports with Friends over Week-end

6. Asking simple questions

7. Meeting your neighbors

8. Is there a market nearby?

9. Helping Your Neighbor

10. Receiving Someone at the Airport

Write to me if you need these sentences in PDF format, I can very well upload them on Udemy for you.

If you want any change in teaching approach or more resources, you can also write to me.

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