Microsoft Power BI for Beginners & Excel Users
面向初学者的Microsoft Power BI Excel用户,利用Microsoft Power BI掌握数据分析和动态可视化-与培训中的高管进行现场录制。 | Udemy付费课程限时免费 | Udemy Coupon | Udemy优惠码 | Udemy免费课程
Dive into a course initially recorded live, making it engaging and interactive. You won’t just be passively learning; you’ll feel like you’re right there in the room with participants from the corporate world and learning solutions to REAL problems.
Here’s what you’ll learn in each unit:
- Introduction to Business Intelligence
- Overview of Business Intelligence
- The journey from data to wisdom
- Understanding the Business Intelligence process with Power BI
- Understanding the Data Cycle
- Exploring the limitations of traditional tools like Excel
- Reviewing different licensing options in Power BI
- Data Transformation Techniques in Power BI
- Introduction to Power BI Query Editor
- Common issues with data and how to identify them
- Steps for effective data cleaning:
Removing columns and rows
Setting the first row as header
Changing data types, replacing values, and removing spaces
Handling errors, renaming and optimizing steps
Filling down missing values, splitting columns, and removing duplicates
Tips and tricks to automate data cleaning
- Data Modeling and Enrichment
- Basics of data modelling and building relationships
- Understanding filter propagation and cardinality
- Best practices in data model construction
- Introduction to data enrichment: Creating calculated columns and measures
- Basics of Data Visualization
- Familiarization with native and custom visuals in Power BI
- Hands-on creation of various charts (pie, line, bar), tables, and cards
- Techniques for drilling down hierarchies and setting visual interactions
- Formatting visuals and reports, including titles, legends, and axes
- Utilizing slicers and different levels of filtering
- Applying conditional formatting
- Embedding images into reports
- Publishing and Sharing Insights
- Steps to publish reports and set default user experiences
- Creating and managing workspaces for collaboration
- Strategies for sharing reports effectively
- Designing reports for mobile layouts
Udemy原价: $54.99
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