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UPDATED | Learn Advanced Python Programming | 5 Projects
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Introduction to Learn Advanced Python Programming Course

Introduction to Learn Advanced Python Programming Course is designed to help Python developers take their programming skills to the next level.

This course provides an overview of advanced Python programming concepts and libraries and teaches students how to build complex applications using object-oriented programming, functional programming, and database management.

Students will learn how to use popular Python libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib for data analysis and visualization, and will gain hands-on experience with web development using popular frameworks such as Django .

By the end of this course, students will have developed the skills needed to build real-world applications using Python and will be well-equipped to take on more advanced programming challenges.

Outlines for  Learn Advanced Python Programming

  1. What is Advanced Python?
    What you can learn in Advanced Python and why learn Advanced Python.
  2. Introduction to Functional Programming
    Lambda functions, Map, Filter, and Reduce functions, Generators and Iterators (Yields and Next function), Decorators.
  3. Introduction to OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)
    Classes and Objects, Data member and member function, self keyword, Constructor and Destructor, Inheritance and Types, super keyword, Polymorphism, Access specifiers.
  4. What is Regular Expression?
    Regular Expression in Python, Where to Use Regular Expressions, Special Sequences, Quantifiers, Set.
  5. What is Database and DBMS?
    Why Need a Database, Different Libraries and Modules to Connect to a Database, Setup Environment, Setting Up the Connection to a Database, Create Database and Table, CRUD Operations (Insert, Select, Update, Delete), Where Clause, Limit.
  6. Introduction to Input and Output Operations
    Reading (Input) and Writing (Output), Reading CSV File and Writing to It, Reading Excel File and Writing to It, Reading JSON File and Writing to It.
  7. Introduction to Popular Python Libraries and Frameworks
    NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Django, Excel.
  8. What is Web Scraping and Why is It Important?
    Overview of Python Libraries for Web Scraping, Setting Up the Environment for Web Scraping, Overview of Web Page Structure (HTML and CSS), Installing and Setting Up Beautiful Soup, Web Scraping Techniques Using Beautiful Soup.

Instructor Experiences and Education:

  1. Faisal Zamir is a programmer with 7+ years of experience in computer science education.
  2. Holds a Master’s in Computer Science and teaches at various academic levels.
  3. Proficient in PHP, Java, Python, web development, and database management.
  4. Experienced in mentoring students, with a proven success record.
  5. Uses a practical, real-world approach to teaching programming concepts.

What you can do after this Course?

  1. Use functional programming for clean and efficient code.
  2. Apply object-oriented approach to build complex applications.
  3. Create regular expressions for data validation and extraction.
  4. Connect Python to databases like SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
  5. Read, write, and manipulate files with Python.
  6. Master Python libraries: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Django.
  7. Implement web scraping for data extraction and analysis.
  8. Debug and optimize code for better performance.
  9. Apply best practices in Python software development.
  10. Solve real-world problems using Python in various fields.

Will you be able to Make Money with Python after this Course?

  1. Freelance Python development for clients.
  2. Develop and sell Python-based software or tools.
  3. Build and monetize web applications using Django.
  4. Create and sell data analysis or machine learning models.
  5. Offer online Python tutoring or course creation.

Thank you

Faisal Zamir

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